Welcome to Panama Poultry Export Quota, Inc.
Panama Poultry Export Quota, Inc. (PAN-PEQ) was formed in 2007 by the poultry industries of Panama and the United States to assist the governments of signatories to the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) to administer provisions establishing a tariff-rate quota on chicken leg quarters imported by Panama. The TPA entered into force on October 31, 2012.
PAN-PEQ is a Delaware not-for-profit corporation that has received an Export Trade Certificate of Review from the U.S. Department of Commerce to conduct open-tender auctions for the right to import chicken leg quarters in Panama.
Auction Results
Auction Results for the first auction for shipment to Panama in 2025 are available.
The next auction will be held July 7-11, 2025.

Panama Poultry Export Quota, Inc.
c/o DTB Associates, LLP
1717 K Street, NW
Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20006
Office phone: 1-202-684-2512
Office fax: 1-207-776-0136
E-mail: Administrator@PAN-PEQ.org